Remuneration Committee

Founded on April 26, 2011, the duty of the Company’s Remuneration Committee is to evaluate the remuneration policy and system of the directors and managers in a professional, objective manner for the sake of materializing corporate governance, strengthening supervision, and management. At least 2 meetings are convened annually, and a meeting can be convened at any time if necessary to propose recommendations to the board of directors to facilitate their decision-making process.

Term of the incumbent Remuneration Committee members

The Company’s 7th Remuneration Committee members serve a term between  2024/6/7, and 2027/6/6.

Powers of the Remuneration Committee

I. Regularly review the regulations and propose revision suggestions.

II. Formulate and regularly reviews the Company’s director and manager's annual and long-term performance evaluation standards, as well as the remuneration policy, system, standards, and structure.

III. Regularly evaluates the target achievement status of the Company’s directors and managers, as well as stipulates the details and amount of their remuneration packages.

The following principles should be complied with when exercising the above authority

I. Make sure the Company’s remuneration arrangements comply with the law and are sufficient to attract outstanding talents.

II. The performance appraisal and remuneration of the directors and managers should be determined according to industry standards and time invested by the individual, responsibilities, personal target achievement, and performance in other job positions. Other factors taken into consideration when evaluating the reasonableness of the personal performance, the Company’s revenue performance, and future risk include the remuneration offered by the Company for the same job position in recent years, achievement of the Company’s short-term and long-term sales targets, and the Company’s financial status.

III. The Committee should not encourage the directors and managers to conduct any activities exceeding the acceptable risk level of the Company in pursuit of higher remuneration.

IV. In respect of the proportion of short-term bonuses and changes in the time of payment of remuneration for directors and high-level managers, the Committee should consider the special characteristics of the industry and the business nature of the Company.

V. The Committee members may not join the discussion and decision-making process concerning their remuneration.

The following principles should be complied with when exercising the above authority
I. Make sure the Company’s remuneration arrangements comply with the law and are sufficient to attract outstanding talents.
II. The performance appraisal and remuneration of the directors and managers should be determined according to industry standards and time invested by the individual, responsibilities, personal target achievement, and performance in other job positions. Other factors taken into consideration when evaluating the reasonableness of the personal performance, the Company’s revenue performance, and future risk include the remuneration offered by the Company for the same job position in recent years, achievement of the Company’s short-term and long-term sales targets, and the Company’s financial status.
III. The Committee should not encourage the directors and managers to conduct any activities exceeding the acceptable risk level of the Company in pursuit of higher remuneration.
IV. In respect of the proportion of short-term bonuses and changes in the time of payment of remuneration for directors and high-level managers, the Committee should consider the special characteristics of the industry and the business nature of the Company.
V. The Committee members may not join the discussion and decision-making process concerning their remuneration.
Yi-Zhang Lin     Member
Current occupation

INED, Ton Yi Industrial Corp.

INED, Lasertek Taiwan Co.Ltd.


MBA, National Sun Yat-Sen University.

Bachelor degree, Dep of Accounting, Soochow University.


CPA, PWC Taiwan 

Partner, PWC Taiwan


Lecturer, Taiwan Corporate Governance Association

Lecturer, Securities & Futures Institute

Heng-Zhen Ho    Member
Current occupation

Attorneys-at-Law Min Wei Law Firm

Member of CMMT Remuneration Committee


Bachelor of Laws, National Chengchi University

Judicial education pre-job training No. 48


Prosecutor, Fuchien Lienchiiang District Prosecutors Office

Prosecutor, Tainan District Prosecutors Office

Yi-Liang Chen    Member
Current occupation

CPA, Yi Xiang& Co., CPAs

INED, Plotech Co., Ltd

INED, Promise Technology, Inc.


Bachelor degree, Dep of Accounting, Soochow University



CFO, Spring Tree Technology Co. Ltd.

Supervisor, Advance Echem Materials Company Limited

Supervisory, Fositeck Corp.

Attendance of the Remuneration Committee in recent years
Job title Full name Actual attendance Attendance by proxy Attendance rate (%) Note
Indepen dent Director Heng-Zhen Ho 2 0 100
Indepen dent Director Yi-Liang Chen 2 0 100
Indepen dent Director Yi-Zhang Lin 3 0 100 renewed on 2025/6/7
Indepen dent Director Juu-En Chang 1 0 100 2024/6/7 Resign after the board re-election
Indepen dent Director Wei-Ting Liu 1 0 100% 2024/6/7 Resign after the board re-election
Major Resolutions made by Remuneration Committee
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