Board of Directors
Organization of the board of directors

According to the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, 5-12 directors shall be elected, of which 3 are independent directors. The tenure of office is for 3 years, and reelection is permitted. The board of directors shall elect a Chairman from among the directors by a majority vote. The Chairman represents the Company externally and oversees the Company’s important affairs. Furthermore, the Company has purchased liability insurance for the directors based on their scope of practice.

The board of directors’ term is from June 7 , 2024, to June 6, 2027. Of 9 directors, 3 are independent directors. The Company’s board of directors’ election adopts the candidate nomination system. All the director candidates are nominated and reviewed by the board of directors before they are submitted to the shareholders’ meeting for election.

Director resume
Implementation of the diversification policy for the composition of its Board of Directors
Board operations
Major Resolutions made by the Board Meeting
Grace Sung    Chairperson and COO
Current occupation

Chairperson, CMMT


Bachelor of Journalism, Department of Mass Communication, Fu Jen Catholic University


Chairperson, Abraham Investment Co. Ltd.

Wei-Chung Lian    Director & President
Current occupation

President, CMMT


Bachelor of Business Administration, National Central University


Executive Vice President, CMMT

CFO, ELTA Technology

Vice President of Finance, TPV Technology Group

Vice President, Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co., Ltd.

Jason C Kan, Representative of Buena Venture Management Corp.    Director
Current occupation

Chairman, Buena Venture Management Corp.


MBA, University of California, Irvine

Bachelor of Laws, National Taiwan University



Assistant President, Concord Financial Co., Ltd

Hui-Yu Lin,Representative of Four Season’s Logistics Services Intl Corp.     Director
Current occupation

Partner, Buena Venture Management Corp.

Chairman, GlorySun OptoElectronics Corp.

INED, Tai-Saw Technology Co., Ltd.


MBA, University of Scranton


Manager, Solid Year Co. Ltd.

Investment Dep., China Development Industrial Bank

Zhi-Zhen Lin, Representative of Abraham Investment Co., Ltd     Director
Current occupation

Attorney-at-Law of Discernment Law Firm


Master of Laws, National Chengchi University


Attorney-at-Law of Discernment Law Firm

Leon Huang    Director
Current occupation

CFO, Hi Yes International Co. Ltd.

INED, Epileds Technologies, Inc.

Director, Jin Yu Tong Co. Ltd.


Master of Finance, National Taiwan University


INED, iCatch Technology, Inc.

Supervisor, Advance Echem Materials Company Limited

Yi-Zhang Lin     Independent Director, convenor of Audit Committee, convenor of Remuneration Committee.
Current occupation

INED, Ton Yi Industrial Corp.

INED, Lasertek Taiwan Co.Ltd.


MBA, National Sun Yat-Sen University.

Bachelor degree, Dep of Accounting, Soochow University.


CPA, PWC Taiwan 

Partner, PWC Taiwan


Lecturer, Taiwan Corporate Governance Association

Lecturer, Securities & Futures Institute

Heng-Zhen Ho    Independent Director, member of Audit Committee, member of Remuneration Committee.
Current occupation

Attorneys-at-Law Min Wei Law Firm


Bachelor of Laws, National Chengchi University

Judicial education pre-job training No. 48


Prosecutor, Fuchien Lienchiiang District Prosecutors Office

Prosecutor, Tainan District Prosecutors Office

Yi-Liang Chen    Independent Director, member of Audit Committee, member of Remuneration Committee.
Current occupation

CPA, Yi Xiang& Co., CPAs

INED, Plotech Co., Ltd

INED, Promise Technology, Inc.


Bachelor degree, Dep of Accounting, Soochow University



CFO, Spring Tree Technology Co. Ltd.

Supervisor, Advance Echem Materials Company Limited

Supervisory, Fositeck Corp.

The primary responsibility of our company's board of directors is the supervision, guidance, and assessment of the performance of the executive team, as well as the appointment and removal of executives. The composition of the board members is characterized by diverse backgrounds, encompassing rich experiences in corporate management or academia, all of whom adhere to exceptionally high ethical standards. Our company adheres to a "Candidate Nomination System," wherein all director candidates undergo a meticulous process of nomination and qualification review. Following approval by the board of directors, these candidates are presented to the shareholders' meeting for official appointment.

In accordance with our company's "Corporate Governance Best Practices, “The composition of the board of directors shall be determined by taking diversity into consideration.  Apart from Directors concurrently serving as company executives shall not exceed one-third of the total number of the board members, the formulation of appropriate diversification policies takes into consideration the operational aspects, and business model, and developmental needs of the company. This includes, but is not limited to, the following two major criteria:
1.    Basic requirements and values: Gender, age, nationality, culture, and ethnicity.
2.    Professional Knowledge and Skills: Professional background, expertise, and industry experience.

All members of the board shall have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to perform their duties. To achieve the ideal goal of corporate governance, the board of directors shall possess the following abilities:
1. Operational Judgment. 2. Accounting and Financial Analysis Proficiency.3. Business Management Competence.4. Crisis Management Aptitude. 5. Industry Knowledge. 6. International Market Insight. 7. Leadership Skills. 8. Decision-Making Ability.

The current board comprises eight members, all esteemed figures from both the industry and academia. 
The specific management objectives and achievements of the diversity policy are as follows,                  (Date: 2024.5.)

Management objective Achievement

Independent director members not less than one-third.


Less than one-third of directors concurrently serve as company executives


At least one female director


The implementation of the diversification policy for the composition of Board of directors is as follows, 

Age  40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
Gender Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Number of Board member 1 0 3 1 1 0 2 0
Ratio (by gender) 12.5% 0% 37.5% 12.5% 12.5% 0% 25% 0%
Ratio (by age) 12.5% 50.0% 12.5% 25.0%
Name Job title   Business Related   Expertise
Management Technology R&D International Sales Marketing Accounting Finance Legal Supervisor ESG Focus
Job title Full name Actual attendance Attendance by proxy Attendance rate (%) Note
Chairperson and COO Grace Sung 2 0 100
Director & President Wei-Chung Lian 2 0 100
Director Jason C Kan, Representative of Buena Venture Management Corp. 1 1 50
Director Hui-Yu Lin,Representative of Four Season’s Logistics Services Intl Corp. 2 0 100
Director Zhi-Zhen Lin, Representative of Abraham Investment Co., Ltd 2 0 100
Independent Director, convenor of Audit Committee, convenor of Remuneration Committee. Yi-Zhang Lin 2 0 100
Independent Director, member of Audit Committee, member of Remuneration Committee. Heng-Zhen Ho 2 0 100
Independent Director, member of Audit Committee, member of Remuneration Committee. Yi-Liang Chen 2 0 100
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2020 Major Resolutions of Board Meetings
2021 Major Resolutions of Board Meetings